Join the Utah Chapter of EERI
Benefits of Joining the Utah Chapter of EERI
EERI is the principal national society in the U.S. for earthquake professionals. EERI’s members are dedicated to reducing earthquake risk by staying on top of the latest scientific and engineering advances, better understanding the social and economic impacts of earthquakes, and serving as advocates for seismic safety.
We hope to advance EERI’s goals of promoting the advancement of the science and practice of earthquake engineering, improving understanding of the impact of earthquakes and advocating comprehensive and realistic measures for reducing the harmful effects of earthquakes by:
- Partnering with other organizations and agencies involved with seismic risk issues (Currently, several Section Board members are active in the Structural Engineers Association of Utah, Utah Seismic Safety Commission, Western States Seismic Policy Council, ASCE’s Technical Council on Lifeline Earthquake Engineering)
- Being an advocate for seismic safety at the State and local government levels (We recently wrote the Governor thanking him for his support of rapid visual screening of public schools. Currently, that letter is being circulated among State legislators to encourage their support)
- Increasing awareness through education and lecture opportunities (We recently hosted EERI’s Joyner Lecture)
- Promoting student chapters and activities
- Involving members through participation in committee work
New members to the chapter are eligible to receive the following bonus materials.
- Proceedings of the 9th NCEE (DVD), value $125
- Any Oral History (Printed), value $15
- Choice of printed version of Special issue of Earthquake Spectra on either the Great SoCal ShakeOut ($75), Haiti ($50) or Chile ($50).
Please make a note on the membership form (see below) indicating that they want to take advantage of this offer. For those members who have recently joined, please contact the institute ( on a case by case basis indicating that they are also eligible for the bonus material.
How to Join
Click here to access the EERI online membership form. From here if you wish only to join the Utah chapter ($25), scroll down and check the box next to Utah Chapter, click continue and checkout as usual.
Letter of Support to the Governor
Governor Herbert recently recommended the inclusion of $500,000 into the office of education budget for the Rapid Visual Screening for earthquake risk at our public school buildings.
The Utah Chapter of EERI provided a letter of support for the Governor’s action. See attached pdf file.