2013 Meet the Mentors Roundtable – Arabasz & Youd
Please join us as we welcome
Dr. T. Leslie Youd, Professor Emeritus, Brigham Young University
Dr. Walter J. Arabasz, Emeritus Research Professor & Emeritus Director of the Utah Seismograph Stations, University of Utah
They will share their knowledge and experiences in earthquake engineering, seismology, risk reduction and related topics
Question and answer roundtable format, open to all interested persons
No cost to attend and participate
When: November 6, 2013, between 7 and 8:30 PM
Where: University of Utah Warnock Engineering Building (WEB), Room L104
Recorded Video Meet the Mentor Video
EERI Technical Seminar on PEER NGA West 2
EERI, in cooperation with the Pacific Earthquake Engineering Research Center (PEER) and partner organizations, will hold its 2013 Technical Seminar Series focusing on the PEER NGA-West2 Project in November. The technical seminar series is supported by the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
The PEER NGA-West2 Project addresses important ground motion hazard issues including: updating the popular database of recorded ground motion, developing new ground motion prediction equations, scaling of response spectra for a wide range of damping values, directivity and directionality of ground motion, and new recommendations for soil amplification factors for building code applications. The PEER NGA-West2 Project is coordinated by PEER and financially supported by the CEA, Caltrans, and PG&E.
The technical seminar series will describe the NGA-West2 findings and its impacts for the earthquake engineering community.
Who Should Attend
Geotechnical, Lifeline, and Structural Engineers; Seismologists; Engineering Geologists; Urban Planners; Insurance Professionals; Students; and Risk Modelers.
Attendees will receive 6.25 PDHs (Professional Development Hours).
Register for a Seminar
Register online, or download a registration form, for the 2013 EERI Technical Seminar Series on PEER NGA-West2 Project at https://eeri.org/cohost/registration/tech-seminar-2013.
EERI Utah Board of Directors Meeting #8
Meeting #8 of the EERI Utah Chapter was held on 09-24-13. Items covered include new chapter members, Meet the Mentor Fall Seminar, the Spring Liquefaction Short Course, and Elections. The minutes from the meeting are attached.
13-9-24 EERI Utah Board meeting minutes
EERI Utah Board of Directors Meeting #7
Meeting #7 of the EERI Utah Chapter was held on 08-27-13. Items covered include the NGA West Project, 2013 UGS Basin and Range Summit III, the Liquefaction Short Course, and Meet the Mentor Fall Seminar. The minutes from the meeting are attached.