EERI Short Course on Liquefaction 2014
Utah Chapter EERI Short Course
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
8:00 am to 5:00 pm
Maverik Center, West Valley Utah (MAP)
3200 Decker Lake Drive, West Valley City, UT 84119
4th Floor Centennial Room
Utah Chapter Geo-Institute, Utah Seismic Safety Commission, Utah Geological Association
SEE Full Course Flyer Here (EERI Short Course Flyer 2014)
Finn Course Notes Finn, EERI SLC Liquefaction Short Course Notes
Finn Slides Finn, EERI SLC Liquefaction Short Course
Youd Slides Youd, EERI SLC Liquefaction Short Course, Damage to Buidling Foundations
Francis Slides Francis, EERI SLC Liquefaction Short Course, Tsunami Liquefaction Scour
Bartlett Slides Bartlett, EERI SLC Liquefaction Short Course, Mapping of Lateral Spread
Anderson Slides Anderson, EERI SLC Liquefaction Short Course, Accommodating Liquefaction Induced Failure Modes In the Risk Assessment of Dams
Who should attend?:
Geotechnical and structural engineers, building and transportation officials, and risk managers.
Improve engineering practice in Utah through thorough review and discussion of state-of-the-art procedures applied by engineers to evaluate and mitigate liquefaction hazard. Emphasis will be on urban infrastructure, including bridges, buildings and planned development.
Invited instructor: W.D. Liam Finn, Professor Emeritus of Civil Engineering, University of British Colombia
Bio: W. D. Liam Finn (B.Eng National University of Ireland, 1954; M.Sc, PhD University of Washington 1957, 1960). Liam is an expert in geotechnical earthquake engineering with particular interest in liquefaction, seismic response of sites and earth structures, seismic safety evaluation of dams, seismic response of pile foundations and seismic risk. He pioneered the use of dynamic effective stress analysis in practice and the use of large strain deformation analysis for the analysis of post liquefaction deformation of dams. Liam initiated the first program of geotechnical earthquake engineering in Canada at UBC in 1966 and pioneered the development of effective stress dynamic analysis in 1975. He currently sits on the Technical Review Board for the Seismic Retrofit of British Columbia Schools where he was a major contributor to a recently developed a risk management plan for this $2 billion project. Mitigating liquefaction hazard is a major risk considered in this plan. For this work, Liam received the Consulting Engineers of Canada award for his contribution to the seismic retrofit program for BC Schools. He was Editor of the International Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering from 2000-2008 and is on editorial boards for other journals. He is a former Chairman of ISSMGE/TC-4 the Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering.
Speakers on selected topics: Loren Anderson, USU; Steve Bartlett, UofU; Kevin Franke, BYU; Kyle Rollins, BYU; Les Youd, BYU. Please see that attached flyer for the final list of speakers and subjects.
Course schedule:
7:30 am Registration opens, continental breakfast
8:00 am Greetings and introductions
8:15 am Instruction by Dr. Liam Finn
10:15 am 15 minute break
12:30 pm Lunch
1:15 pm Presentations by selected speakers
2:45 pm break
3:00 pm Questions from attendees to panel of speakers
5:00 pm Concluding remarks and closure
Registration fees:
Online before April 2, 2014 (pre-registration closed after that date):
- Nonmember $250.00
- Members of Utah Chapter EERI $210.00
Join Utah Chapter of EERI ($25.00) EERI website and register for the short course at the member price - Member of cosponsoring society $240.00
- Student $25.00
- Corporate or Government Group $210.00
If 3 or more individuals from a corporation become members of the Utah Chapter of EERI ($25.00 see to become a member), then each member of the corporation or member agency may register at the member price.
Registration after April 1, 2014 or in person at the Maverik Center (please pay by check made out to EERI Utah Chapter):
- Nonmember $300.00
- Members of Utah Chapter EERI $260.00
Join Utah Chapter of EERI ($25.00) EERI website and register for the short course at the member price - Member of cosponsoring society $290.00
- Student $30.00
- Corporate or Government Group $260.00If 3 or more individuals from a corporation become members of the Utah Chapter of EERI ($25.00 see to become a member), then each member of the corporation or member agency may register at the member price.
To register for the short course, please visit the registration website here.
EERI Joyner Lecture with David Boore
Ground-Motion Prediction Equations: Past, Present, and Future
Presented by Dr. David Boore Geophysicist with the U.S. Geological Survey – Earthquake Science Center.
Wednesday, March 4, 2015 | Social at 5:30 P.M. and Lecture at 6:00 P.M.
Warnock Engineering Building Room L103
72 Central Campus Drive, Salt Lake City, Utah 84119
See the Flyer for more information – EERI Joyner Lecture – Room Change
Who Should Attend: Seismologist, Structural Engineers, Geotechnical Engineers, Geologists, Civil Engineers, Earth Scientists, Emergency Managers
Focus Topics: Earthquake Engineering, Ground Motion Prediction Equations, Seismology, Earth Science, Building Science
This lecture is open to the general public. There is no cost to attend, and you do not need to RSVP. Please invite others who you feel would be interested in this lecture.
The lecture will be webcast live for persons outside of the Salt Lake and Davis Counties. Please contact Gloria Dearden to get the connection information: 801.333.7676,
Sponsored by the Utah Chapter of EERI and Structural Engineering Association of Utah
We Just Had a Major Earthquake – Where Are Responders and Resources Needed?
We Just Had a Major Earthquake
Where are Responders and Resources Needed?
Come learn about USGS tools to rapidly assess an earthquake’s economic and human impact
Presented by Dr. David Wald Seismologist with the U.S. Geological Survey and Colorado School of Mines.
Tuesday, February 10, 2015 at 3:30 P.M.
Utah Cultural Celebration Center
1335 West 3100 South, West Valley City, Utah 84119
See the Flyer for more information – EERI Spring Seminar 2015
Presentation Slides – Slides – David Wald Lecture – February 10, 2015 USGS Tools for Assessment
The video for this seminar is pending….
Who Should Attend: Emergency Managers, First Responders, Government Officials, Utilities, Earth Scientists, Seismologists, Geologists, Engineers, Building Officials
Focus Topics: ShakeMap, ShakeCast, PAGER, Emergency Managment
This lecture is open to the general public. There is no cost to attend, and you do not need to RSVP. Please invite others who you feel would be interested in this lecture.
Sponsored by the Utah Chapter of EERI and Salt Lake County Emergency Management
2014 EERI Board Meetings
Minutes from the board meetings held in 2014.